No. 1 Point Vincente & Wayfarers Chapel

You guys, Rancho Palos Verdes is SO beautiful! The road to get to these two locations, that are only 10 minutes away from each other, is an adventure in itself. It is right along the edge of the cliffs, so the view of both the beach to your left and the mansions to your right is incredible. Plus, the road is sunken in at some parts because the area is prone to landslides, so you will feel like you're on a roller coaster! Pretty sure it made Weslie a little car sick on the ride back...

We first stopped at the Point Vincente park to have a picnic lunch. When we got there I noticed a crowd of people sitting with binoculars. Come to find out, whale migrating season has just begun and they were there to count them. Last season they counted 1900! They had seen 3 that day. We didn't see any whales, but as we were leaving, we saw a pod of dolphins right off the shore! The weather was beautiful and Weslie enjoyed watching the fat squirrels eat pieces of bread we threw their way.

Our last stop was Wayfarers Chapel. If you're a super fan of The O.C. (like me!) you might remember that Julie Cooper and Caleb Nichol got married there...ahhh I love that scene! But honestly, this chapel is a dream. I got butterflies just walking in! There was a wedding about to start so we let Weslie play on the steps for a bit, enjoyed the ocean view, and headed home. 

QUICK TIP: You aren't allowed inside/near the front of the chapel when weddings are taking place. We found out that the weddings in the afternoons on Saturdays start at 2PM, 4PM, and 6PM and run about 20 minutes, so visit in between!